Thursday, May 24, 2012


Yesterday I typed a huge post complete with itinerary of our homeschool day and the craziness that ensues each and every minute. Then my littles squirt walked by and pushed the ever so tempting green  button that turns the computer off.
To sum up...
We had a schedule of Writing, Language Arts, Reading Lessons, History, Math, Geography, and Piano. These do not happen at the same time. One kid will be working on reading while two others do math and mom tries not to permanetly put little squirt in her crib from drawing on the couch while trying to figure out why the definition of a noun has changed since she was in school.
Then the air conditioner guy shows up. I had put in a service order with our home warranty company since the AC had started to make a noise like a small fiat. I  was expecting a phone call to schedule the appointment. The guy called and said he was five minutes away. I tried to be happy (how often do they come that fast?) but the house was truly a mess. The AC guy walked in, told me the loud noise was from me not changing the filter,changed it  and charged me 60 bucks. After he left I turned it back on and the loud noise went from a small fiat to a MAC truck.
We were also hosting bookclub at our house at 3. My kids had helped plan out the activities and made refreshments. No one showed.
Hubby came home around 6. I had forgotten that he had a class that night at 6:30 that lasted 3 hours. I was going to be feeding the kids dinner, cleaning up, and getting them into bed by myself. I was a little terse with hubby before he walked out the door. It wasn't his fault he was leaving, he had told me repeatedly about it but at the moment I didn't believe him.
After the kiddos were in bed I purposefully at the remainder of the cookies from bookclub. There were a lot left over due to the no shows. Then I opened a bag of chips to conteract the sweetness. So much for the diet.

Ever have days like that? No one died, no major accidents or catastrophes but like Atlas the world just seems awfully heavy.

Today I woke up feeling lousy. My kids and I huddled in my bed, still in pjs deciding not to get up and going right away. Schedules be damned was the motto (at least in my head) We finished reading the book 'The Inventions of Hugo Cabret' so we could have a movie night tonight. Another AC guy showed up after I put in another service request. He thought my MAC truck comment on the description request was funny and told me so. My hubby came home briefly in between meetings and gave me a hug. He said he would try to get off work a little early today. A bookclub mom called to apologize for missing yesterday and asked if we could hang out today. We might make more cookies before she gets here.

And suddenly I am no longer Atlas holding the world on my own. There are others and as always when you share, the weight is not so heavy anymore.

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